12#warning Thank you for using the IRremote library!
13#warning It seems, that you are using a old version 2.0 code / example.
14#warning This version is no longer supported!
15#warning Please use one of the new code examples from the library available at "File > Examples > Examples from Custom Libraries / IRremote".
16#warning Or downgrade your library to version 2.6.0.
17#warning Start with the SimpleReceiver or SimpleSender example.
18#warning The examples are documented here: https://github.com/Arduino-IRremote/Arduino-IRremote#examples-for-this-library
19#warning A guide how to convert your 2.0 program is here: https://github.com/Arduino-IRremote/Arduino-IRremote#converting-your-2x-program-to-the-4x-version